Week 4 Extras & Offers

Welcome to Week 4! Here are your offers and extras for this week.


Love Languages of Your Nervous System by Lauren McMullen, MS, NTP

Living liberated lives means knowing when and how to check-in with ourselves. Our nervous systems hold a lot of our trauma and we often need to re-ground ourselves on this journey. Check out Lauren’s Love Languages for Your Nervous System infographic (download below) for some gentle ways to love on yourself.

Lauren McMullen makes understanding nutrition and our bodies approachable and fun. If you’re looking for some support on living a healthier life book some time with Lauren. Mention the Lab when you book!

  • No one gets free without community. We need each other for support and loving accountability to live free lives in a world that doesn’t make it easy for us to do it. This week I’m offering one of my favorite readings on growing with community. As you read and consider what you’ve been exploring this month, what values do you want to be upheld in your personal community?

    Read Co-Evolution Through Friendship

  • You’re invited to close out our month of #FreedomDreaming and the #softlife with a live virtual Yoga class with Corrinne Hobbs. She’s designed a beginner-friendly flow focused on freedom and liberation. It will be perfect to end the evening and our month together.

    Register here.


Week 3 Extras & Offers


Week 5 Extras & Offers