Week 5 Extras & Offers

Welcome to Week 5! Here are your extras and offers for this week.


Breath Prayers, written by Jenn, inspired by Black Liturgies

We’ve come to the end of our month together focused on living softer, freer, more liberated lives. Over the course of my journey and practice of living this way, I’ve been really inspired by the work of Cole Arthur Riley and Black Liturgies. Her breath prayers have felt timely and approachable and I’ve found myself gravitating to them often. This month I decided to try writing some of my own and to close the month, I’d like to share one with you.

God of Freedom and Ease,

We know it’s tempting to give in to the urgency of the world around us, but in this time we intentionally seek ease. Give us the discernment to choose the things that bring us joy and comfort. Guide us in trusting our intuition to pursue the things that bring us closer to the lives we desire. Allow us to see the future of ourselves and believe in that self now. Remind us to practice the freedom we seek and believe in the community that will support us in claiming it.

Inhale: I was born to live free.

Exhale: God, help me practice it.

Thank you for joining in this exploration with us this month. I hope you carry the lessons you’re learning through the rest of the year. I’m wishing you all the freedom and ease your life can handle. 🌸




Week 4 Extras & Offers