The Dream Keeper Fund

Support a Space of Healing & Radical Imagination for Black Women

In the Lab, we believe in the power of radical dreams and the freedom to explore the boundless possibilities of our lives. We're creating a safe, nurturing space for Black women to dream boldly, heal intergenerational wounds, and embrace their most liberated selves. Your donation to The Dream Keeper Fund helps support the continued work and growth of the Lab.

Why Support Colored Girls Liberation Lab?

🌺 Dreams Unleashed: We provide a unique sanctuary where Black women can unleash their dreams, unburdened by societal limitations, and envision a future of boundless potential.

🌸 Community Healing: Through intergenerational connections and compassionate support, we facilitate healing circles, immersive experiences, and programs, like Dreams & Schemes, that foster emotional well-being, radical imagination, and resilience.

🌼 Empowerment in Action: Your support fuels our mission to empower Black women to step into their power, make choices aligned with their dreams, and break free from systemic barriers.

Your Gift. Our Liberation.

Your gift isn't just a donation; it's a catalyst for transformation. Join us in empowering Black women to dream, heal, and embrace their most liberated lives. Together, we can reimagine a radically joyous future for Black women and in turn an expanded future for everyone.


“The lab has opened up so many portals for me.”

When describing my experience in The Lab I often use the word “portal.”

The lab has opened up so many portals for me over the past few years including a portal to dream, a portal to choose ease, and a portal to know that freedom is an option for me.

I adore The Lab. Having a community of women to support & validate my experience as a woman of color has been amazing. Jenn and the Lab members have helped me realize that “Life is (truly) a lab.” With this awareness, I am able to give myself grace & embrace/surrender to the trials and errors of life. I am so appreciative of this community. This space that Jenn has created is a MAJOR life hack for me. I will forever be grateful. 

Nik, Lab Member

“I am well here.”

I found The Colored Girls Lab knowing that my life and social circles were experiencing a transition. At 44, I began to process that I was not as connected to healthy people as I’d hoped to be at this point. But where do you find an entry point to meet new people with your heart on your sleeve? I’m grateful for the IG post that I found, the first book talk that I attended, and the Monday labs that gave me a safe landing space to emote, explore elevated thoughts and life scenarios, share my truths, and connect with women who were JUST LIKE ME. Life truly is a lab and I will keep experiencing new tests and trying out new ideas with this group; each time knowing that someone will understand my journey. This is my safe happy place. I am well here.

Kristen, Lab Member

“The Lab has been a sanctuary where I can bear my soul…”

The Colored Girls Liberation Lab has changed the way that I live life by allowing space for me to try new ideas and to take chances to design the life that I want. The lab has been a sanctuary where I can bear my soul and recharge for the rest of the journey. It’s been a divine tinkering space in which I can ask questions and offer insight. I love that in the lab, I can take on the posture of student and master teacher at once because I learn and offer so much. Some things that I am doing that I didn’t do before are: actively dreaming about my future, creating rituals and asking for what I want with my whole chest. The Sista Circles, Dreams and Schemes and other events throughout the year have sustained me. The lab has been a source of deep community, inspiration and restoration. Thank you for helping me navigate some of life’s biggest changes through your consistency and authentic presence.

Ashli, Lab Member