Week 3 Extras & Offers

Welcome to Week 3! Here are your extras and offers for this week.


Guided Meditation with Arrian

Join Arrian for a Guided Meditation focused on freedom, rest, and liberation. Listen to her introduction to hear the intentions for the session and then then listen to the full meditation to get yourself grounded for the week.

  • Do you have a project you’ve been dreaming about and need help designing? Do you need regular loving accountability on your liberation journey? Sign up for dream coaching with Jenn! Receive 10% off of a 3-, 6-, or 9- session package. Click to book your discovery call.

  • Don’t forget (virtual) Yoga with Corrinne on August 31st at 7:30 PM. It will be the perfect way to wind down for the evening and end our month of #softlife living. Register here.


Week 2 Extras & Offers


Week 4 Extras & Offers